An interdisciplinary cinematic look at systemic wars that media ignores. For more information, check out this interview with director Will Robson-Scott.

What is the solution to the culture of violence?

I could not start to give a solution: the violence is decades and generations deep. But the issues are the same in any community. You need good education, jobs, affordable housing, fair policing, healthy food, after school activities. The list goes on. Once that starts to happen the violence might be subdued.

Browntourage is all about increasing the reach of empathy and recognition of struggle. This is NOT just for viewing pleasure, this is to understand the real everyday complexity that some of us are fortunate enough not to never have had to personally live through.

Note: The director himself isn’t a Chicago native. Generally, I‘m from the perspective that the best way to help as an outsider is to empower insiders to help themselves in a sustainable way, but in terms of awareness I tend to believe that there can never be enough. What do you think?