THAT ELEVATED QUICKLY- my take on the Adria Richards x dongle situation
THAT ELEVATED QUICKLY- my take on the Adria Richards x dongle situation
What I think the article is overlooking:
The fact that some situations can feel so uncomfortable, that you feel like if you call out the behavior that your opinion will instantly be shut down since everyone around you seems to be on this page. It’s sad that she was angry and that the easiest civil release for her was to go to her twitter and make humor out of an uncomfortable situation to regain some sense of agency.
It’s even sadder that the internet PROVES OUR POINT that the industry doesn’t take feminism seriously and won’t see “what the big deal is.” Literally HOW is SHE being scolded for this guy losing his job like its her fault? All this woman did was call it like it was in the way that she felt she could. Sorry the industry is responding by eliminating “bad apples” rather than addressing systemic issues.
If the collective subconscious of your work place is big dongles, imagine how hard it is to be taken seriously as a woman. It’s a COMMON subject in conversation with my other female engineer friends who work in other companies and just want to stop being hit on, talked down to, or take unrelatable jokes.
Anyway I’m so sad about the way this spiralled out but I hope at least that more people use this as an example upon which to write thoughtful critiques and educate.