Equinox in Konversation ft. Yetunde Olagbaju


Equinox ft. Yetunde Olagbaju

March 20th marks this year’s equinox, the day where the sun lights exactly half the earth and teeters the cusp of Picses and Aries. In 2597 it will be the Age of Aquarius. March 20th is also annual Storytelling Day — the theme this year was Fate and Fortune. In reflection of these facts, we are happy to present Yetunde’s work alongside our own in Konversation. 

Currently Yetunde is working on a project called the “AUTHENTICITY PROJECT” that explores the authenticity of emotions and the trauma that happens in everyday life.

“One thing I’m working on is getting audio clips of people dealing with or narrating instances of trauma/emotion for an audio/photo installation project I’m working on — exploring the way we process and cope with sadness and how technology has made it easier for us to empathize/connect with others but, in the same breath, has made us unable to handle raw emotions with ease and quick to question authenticity of negative emotions.

To me, and quite possibly many others, the expression of emotions (i.e., sadness, loss, grief, fear, loneliness, happiness, contentment, joy, pride) has within the last decade been met with skepticism and doubt. I attribute this to the ease with which one can connect with others via social networks and technological advances.

With this project I hope to explore how sound, story telling, placement in our respective timelines, and authenticity come to play in how we empathize and address each others’ fragility and fortitude.”

If you would like to contribute please contact: olagbajuy [at] gmail.com

#FF- we love Yetunde’s drag and creative work @ oknoyes.tumblr.com